Unlocking the Magic of WD-40: Surprising Uses That Will Change Your Perspective!


Most people will use WD-40 to fix problems like rusted screws, noisy doors, and the like. These folks are on the right track, but it is more than just a great lubricant. In fact, it might solve your worst household issues, and then some. Trust us, you’ll be surprised by all the things that this product can help you out with. We all know that duct tape was more useful than it was intended, this also goes for WD-40.

One thing you might want to know is the meaning behind the name. Does it mean anything? It does actually…the ‘WD’ part stands for water displacement. Meanwhile, the number indicates that this was the batch of formula used… We are not sure what that means, either. Anyway, the company operates in San Diego, California.

We won’t lie to you. We do not actually know the ingredients they used. However, we do know that WD-40 works. That is good enough for us! Do not think that you have no use for it just because you are not a plumber, handyman, or repairman. Keep reading to see why we keep saying it is useful for everyone!

WD-40 For Shining Your Silver

If you won’t use your silver for your guests, when else will you use it?

The sad thing is that it might have faded a bit during the time it was unused. Use WD-40 and wipe the surface to give it life again!

Separating Stuck Glasses

When you have company, you will be expected to bring out the shots sooner or later.

What should you do when the shot glasses won’t come apart? Spray WD-40 on them, and they will be good to go.

Loosening Zippers

When they get stuck, you just have to spray WD-40 on it to get it back to normal.

We cannot deny that zippers are excellent additions to clothes, but sometimes they can inconvenience us as well.

Shining Shoes

White sneakers are stylish, but they might just make you look bad if you do not keep them clean.

If you want to keep your pair spotless, use WD-40 and rub away at dirt to get them off. Easy as pie!

Cleaning Tar Stains

At this point, you can probably tell that WD-40 is good for removing dirt and stains.

Can it do the same thing to tar? You bet it can. All you need is some WD-40 on your car and then sigh in relief.

Defrosting Ice

Winter makes for amazing sceneries, but we know better than to judge a book by its cover.

If you hate scrubbing icy windows, you should apply WD-40 and then wipe the frost away. It is that easy, folks.

Oiling Scissors

It will work much better when you first spritz WD-40 to the center of the pair. Voila!

A stiff pair of scissors might only make things worse when you need to cut through a material of some sort.

Guarding Bird Feeders

They call it birdfeeder because it is meant to feed birds.

If yours has turned into a squirrel feeder, you should put some of this magical solution on the surface.

Removing Rings

During weddings, couples exchange rings to show that they are in it for a lifetime.

However, you should still be able to take it off! If your band got stuck, simply spray WD-40 on it and then slide it off.

Removing Gum

When you are having a bad day, stepping on gum will be the last straw. Is it that hard to aim at the bin?

At any rate, there is nothing you can do but to fix the mess. WD-40 is going to make this task easier.

Taking Out Lipstick Stains

Lipstick stains are meant to stay on your lips!

What are you going to do when you get them on your clothes? Scrubbing it off will make things worse unless you first apply WD-40 on the stained area.

Cleaning Crayon Stains

All children are blessings, creative or not. Whoops.

However, you might not feel this way when you find that your little one drew on the walls! Luckily, it does not have to be permanent when you use WD-40.

Clearing Stains From Wood

Coffee tables often get glass or mug stains. It is called a coffee table, after all.

After all, guests normally put their cup of java or tea on top of this piece of furniture. Scrub it off with WD-40 to make it spotless!

Opening Rusty Locks

If you do not keep intruders out of your house, make sure to get good locks.

However, there are times when a lock gets so rusty that you can’t open it even with the right key! It is no match for WD-40.

Removing Stickers

We love stickers as a way to show off the advocacies and beliefs we have.

At some point, you will want to take them off for some reason. When you plan to resell your car, use WD-40 to remove the stickers.

Protecting Shower Heads

Showers are important, but they are not always the most thrilling part of the day.

Perhaps you even got so bored that you counted the shower head’s pores! When you see clogged ones, WD-40 will fix them.

Keeping Your AC Clean

This is only useful when you plan to install an AC unit.

We recommend spraying it first with WD-40 before you put it in. Trust us, you will get much fresher air because it will keep dust and dirt away.

Cleaning Water Stains

Water stains are not exactly harmful, but no one likes dirty walls and mirrors.

It can be challenging to remove them all, even when you rub and scrub hard. With WD-40, this would no longer be the case.

Maintaining Fridge Gasket

The fridge gasket is that rubber bit that comes in between the fridge frame and the door.

Thanks to its location, icky gunk often collects there. Make it less nasty by cleaning it with a piece of cloth and WD-40.

Exterminating Bugs

It sometimes seems like cockroaches will survive anything.

If you think this is the case, you will no longer think this when you use WD-40 on them. This is going to be the best pest repellent ever, we promise.

Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Chewing gum on hair feels like trial by fire for any human being. You do not need to cut your hair!

Save your beautiful locks by spraying WD-40 and the picking it out. Don’t forget to shut your eyes and mouth.

Shining License Plates

Do you think a dirty license plate will get you out of a ticket? Maybe. Ta-da!

If you want to be a responsible and neat person, it does not take much to clean it off. Spray WD-40 and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

Removing Super Glue

For a long time, people thought that nothing could ever beat super glue. Nothing lasts forever!

However, times have changed. If you ever have to remove super glue, WD-40 will give it a run for its money.

Protecting Guitar Strings

Are you a guitar player? This trick is for you. It’s not hard at all.

We all know that it costs money to replace the strings. Make them stronger and cleaner by using WD-40 and a dry cloth to clean them.

Preventing Splinters

WD-40 also functions as a varnish, you know.

You can use it on your mops, rakes, brooms, and other stick items. You just need to spritz it on the wooden part and rub the length with a piece of cloth.

Breaking In Baseball Gloves

New baseball gloves are such a treat! However, it is never enjoyable to break in the leather.

Some people like to soften up the material with oils, but WD-40 will give you the exact same outcome anyway.

Preserving Leather Sofas

Did you know that this product is great for leather items?

You can even use it on your leather sofa for a little TLC. Just spray it on a cloth and then wipe the leather portions of the furniture with it.

Attracting Fish

Let us clarify this for you. This is not a tip for people who are sexually attracted to fish.

It is a tip for fishermen who want to bring home a huge catch! Spray your fishing lures with WD-40 to do this.

Cleaning Your Grill

A nice cookout is always fun, but no one likes to clean the grill at the end of the day.

Don’t worry, it is not always hard. Just spray the grill and the grease will come right off when you use a wire brush!

Separating Lego

We all know that LEGOs are excellent ways to unleash creativity.

Sadly, there is nothing more frustrating than moments when you cannot pull them apart. When the pieces get stuck, WD-40 will do the trick.

Separating Flower Pots

Your flower pots won’t budge? We have just the trick for you!

You can pull them apart with ease when you spray WD-40 on them. This is a good way to avoid inflicting any damage on the lovely ceramic ones.

Digging Faster

Can you believe that WD-40 will also make digging easier? It is clearly a miracle worker!

How does it work? Just spray the spade or shovel. This will be enough to cut through the soil without a hitch.

Removing Tea Stains

It will be easy when you have WD-40 on hand. Trust us, you’ll forget they were even there.

Tea is always great, but are you really supposed to scrub long and hard at the kitchen sink after you drink a cup?

Shining Plants

When they get dusty and dirty, use WD-40 and wipe the leaves to keep the fake plants sparkling clean.

Artificial plants are easier to maintain than real ones, but you are not supposed to totally neglect them.

Removing Ink Stains

Pen leaks are so annoying!

They will render your pen useless AND leave stains on the clothes you are wearing. We cannot return the ink to your pen, but you can get rid of the stains by rinsing it with this!

Cleaning Dog Poop

It is clearly not your lucky day when you step on dog poop. Sorry, bud.

There is no use crying over spilled milk, so simply get rid of the fecal matter. WD-40 is going to help you if you do not want to smell all day.

Erasing Sticker Marks

In the past, people used CDs and DVDs for their entertainment needs.

Back then, the sellers would put the price tags and labels on the underside. If you collect them, it’s good to know that WD-40 will help.

Pulling Hairs Out

We think that we also need to clarify this one. This is not about catfights and hair pulling!

If you want to clear out your hairbrush, you need to put WD-40, leave it in the water, and take off the dead hair.

Waterproofing Your Shoes

Can you believe that WD-40 can waterproof your footwear? This tip is for keeps.

We know that it is hard to believe, but it is true. In fact, you can also use it on your coat, shoes, winter hat, and socks!

Clearing Toothpaste Stains

Toothpaste stains will make your bathroom look dirty even when everything else is clean.

When you want to get rid of these eyesores, the only thing you need to do is spray WD-40 and then wipe them off.

Cleaning Bugs

There are numerous challenges that will annoy car owners.

If you want an example, we want you to think of bug splatters anywhere on the car. You can get rid of them with the use of WD-40 and a rag.

Washing Bathroom Tiles

Do you have any idea what gets in between your bathroom tiles? These are only a couple of them!

Let us clue you in: nail polish, dirt, gunk. You can get rid of the nasty buildup by scrubbing with WD-40.

Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes

Squeaky shoes are so embarrassing! They will completely undermine your authority.

If you want to keep it down, you just have to use WD-40. You can now be so quiet that it is very easy to sneak up on everyone!

Preventing Snow Buildup On Windows

No one is denying that winter can be easy on the eyes. WD-40 will fix things.

Still, it is hard to appreciate its beauty with foggy windows! It is even better if you spray the windows before the snow arrives.

Protecting Against Wasps

If you are the type of person who likes the sun, nothing can beat summer.

Sadly, wasps and bees tend to build their homes during this time of the year. Protect your house by spraying WD-40 in those spots.

Toning Down Polyurethane Shine

Varnish can instantly improve the look of your wooden floors!

However, it is very easy to overdo such a thing. When you notice that it is a bit too shiny for comfort, spray WD-40 and wipe the floor with a rag.

Removing Stuck Prostheses

When no one is around to help, you can use our favorite magic solution to make it much easier.

It is hard enough to remove prostheses, but it is even more difficult when you have to do it by yourself.

Cleaning Dried Glue

Not everything you glue together is meant to stay in place for all of eternity.

There are things that are only meant to be together for a limited time only. WD-40 is here to help you clear the dried glue!

Degreasing Your hands

Do you also feel like grease would never come off when you get it on your hands?

Soap and water just do not take it off. WD-40 will help, but do not forget to wash it off as soon as the grease is gone!

Removing Carpet Stains

Carpets can complete the look of your home, but it is so easy to ruin them. You can now relax.

All it might take is a drop of wine or apple sauce! However, you can probably remove it when you use WD-40.

Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains

Hot dogs and hamburgers are great every now and then.

Sometimes, nothing can beat the combination of ketchup, mayonnaise, meat, and a bun! When you get any of that on your shirt, WD-40 will get it out.

Wiping Down Your Fridge

How long has it been since you truly cleaned out your fridge anyway?

At any rate, we are sure it has been far too long. We are sure you can guess what you need to make it as good as new.

Pretreating Blood Stains

There are so many reasons you would get blood on your clothes. At any rate, it will look unsightly.

Maybe you’re a nurse, maybe you’re a vampire. Prevent the stain from becoming permanent by using WD-40!

Cleaning Off Old Wax

For some, ski season is the best time of the year!

Before you can wax your skis or snowboards, do not forget to clean off the old wax from last year. If you can’t remove the stubborn residue, WD-40 can.

Protecting Your Boat From Corrosion

If you own a boat, you should always work hard to keep it in the best possible condition.

This means taking care of corrosion! What can you do to keep it away? Add a layer of protection with WD-40!

Removing Barnacles From Boats

Here is another tip for all you boat owners out there. Grab a putty knife and a can of WD-40.

Are you annoyed by the barnacles that stick to your ride? Now just spray and scrape! Sandpaper will also help.

Protecting Golf Clubs

Do you consider yourself an avid golfer? It normally goes through a lot, so some TLC is in order.

If this is the case, you need to keep your clubs in tiptop shape. Spray WD-40 on it and then shine it away!

Removing Stuck Spark Plugs

How can you do the same thing? Use WD-40 on those spark plugs, and you will be a step closer.

If you watch NASCAR, you have probably been blown away by the speed at which the mechanics get to work!

Renewing Saws

There are many kinds of saws in the world, but it does not matter which one you have.

After all, it will collect dirt and dust like the others. When you want to clean it, WD-40 will make sure the dirt comes off.

Making Wicker Quiet

Wicker chairs might look nice, but we hate just how noisy these furniture pieces can get.

We can’t help but feel like we are too fat to sit down! This can be remedied by spraying WD-40 on the squeaky bits.

Lubricating Toys With Wheels

If you have toddlers, you have probably heard enough squeaky toy car wheels in your life.

Sometimes, it can get terribly annoying. When you can’t take it anymore, you can just spray WD-40 on those wheels!

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip

There are times when your sliding door will make you work hard to open and close it.

No one likes to play tug of war each and every time. If you apply WD-40 on the metal strip, it will now slide smoothly.

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust

We like hanging wind chimes on the porch because they look and sound lovely in the right breeze.

However, it can be plain annoying when they have rusted over. Spray WD-40 on a new one to avoid this!

Joining Plastic Shelves

It is easy to put plastic shelves together, but it can be hard to take them apart.

Did you know that it does not have to be like this? During installation, spray WD-40 on the joints to save yourself the future hassle.

Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs

Sorry, but it is gross to find bathtubs with stains on them. Yikes! Spray and then scrub. Voila.

Are you having a hard time getting them out? Don’t worry, you can easily fix this with the use of WD-40.

Protecting Wheelbarrows

Metal and wheels are the basic parts of a wheelbarrow. Yup, it is pretty obvious.

However, many people seem to forget that they should keep these bits clean and rust-free! WD-40 will do the trick, folks.

Removing Tape Marks

Don’t you think it is neat that people still like to put up posters using tape?

However, it is not all that fun to remove them because they leave tape marks behind. This is not an issue when you have WD-40!

Lubricating Swings And Other Playground Equipment

Do you think your child likes to peak out the creakiest swings and see-saw? Maybe it is just bad luck.

This feels like the case sometimes. At any case, you can make it less noisy by spraying WD-40 first!

Cleaning Ashtrays

Ash, cigarette butts, insects… these are just some of the things that you find inside ashtrays.

Gross! Cleaning them out is no fun. However, it will be easier if you spritz WD-40 on a new one before using it.

Maintaining Lawnmower Blades

The blades on your lawnmower can be expensive to replace! This way, they will be sturdier!

If you want to save yourself the money and the time to buy new ones, you should protect them by using WD-40.

Removing Chair Marks

Chairs and other pieces of furniture tend to leave behind marks on your beautiful floor.

No one wants to see the scuff stains, right? When you want to get rid of them, spray WD-40 and wipe with all your might.

Cleaning Luggage Handles

We understand why airport staff places stickers on the handles of our luggage.

It might be for our own good, but it is still annoying. No one likes holding sticky things! Spray and wipe is what you need to do.

Removing Stickers From Plates

How about plates? When you buy new ones, they come with price tags or labels on the back.

Even if you peel them off and wash them, the sticky residue is still there. It will disappear when you spray WD-40!

Removing Dust From Mosquito Screens

Asthma attacks, here we go. Just spray WD-40 and then wipe with a cloth to clean it.

Mosquito screens are good at keeping out the annoying little critters, but they are good at collecting dust as well.

Polishing Gold And Brass Lamps

We have a trick for cleaning your lamps! Just wipe it down with WD-40 to get rid of the dust!

While we cannot guarantee that it will give you a genie offering three wishes, it will at least give them some shine.

Lubricating Folding Chairs And Ironing Boards

Have you ever had to open up a rusty ironing board or folding chair? Yup, it was not fun.

You can get those metal joins all fixed up by spraying WD-40! This will lubricate it enough to get them back in shape.

Restoring Metal Figurines

Metal figurines might not be the most popular pieces of decoration, but they still look pretty cool.

Until they collect rust, that is. You can keep yours shining like a star when you spray some WD-40 on it.

Enhancing TV Signal

These days, not many people use bunny-ears antenna television sets.

If you happen to be a part of the minority, this will help you out. Spray a cloth with WD-40 and wipe the antenna to get a clearer picture.

Cleaning Toilets

Cleaning the toilet might not be that hard, but it is still pretty unpleasant.

At any rate, we have a tip that will make it easier and quicker. Grab your bottle of WD-40, spray the toilet, and clean it with the brush!

Fighting Off Animals

Cats and raccoons might look cute, but they go through your trash cans and cause a mess!

What can you do to prevent it? Apply WD-40 on the top and the sides of the bins to prevent them from climbing in.

Removing Stubborn Oils

Oil is hard to remove when you get it on… everything.

You can try to wash it away with detergent and soap, but it will still be there. When you have to get it off right away, WD-40 is going to work like charm.

Clearing Drains

Clogged drains are so troublesome, but it is not the end of the world.

What’s worse than a clogged up drain? Maybe 40 other things on this list, but that’s not the point. When your drain is being stubborn, give it a spray with WD-40 and let it sit before draining the water. You’ll love the results.

When this happens, it is usually because hair and dirt clogged the passageway. You can clear it by pouring a little WD-40 down there.

Protecting Your Speakers

Do you consider yourself a music enthusiast?

If so, you probably spent a lot of money on those sound systems. You can make them last much longer by cleaning them with a dry cloth and some WD-40.

Protecting Your Car Doors

No one likes getting the inside of their cars wet, right? Keep them sturdy by spritzing WD-40 on them!

If this rings true for you, make sure to take good care of the rubber bits between the car door and frame.

Removing Gum From Lint Screen

The lint screen in the washing machine is pretty amazing, but the truth is that it is not infallible.

Chewing gum can ruin it in no time at all. This is the reason you must get gums out of clothes with WD-40 first.

Cleaning Cookie Tin Rust

What are you going to do when you crave a cookie but cannot open the lid? Oh, boy.

We feel stressed just thinking about it! By spraying WD-40 on the lid, it should open at last. Now you can grab your treat!

Fighting Off Mildew

If there are wooden furniture in the outside parts of your house, you should always keep in mind that they might rot in the future.

However, you can prevent this from happening by spraying the tops and the legs of the furniture pieces. No more mildew this winter for you!

Getting Silly Putty Out Of Furniture

Ah, children. They love to play whenever they can wherever they can. Silly putty is one of their favorite things in the world.

Most parents are not very fond of the thing because it can be very stubborn during cleaning time. We shudder to imagine it on our sofas! Luckily, a rag with WD-40 can help take it out.

Cleaning Piano Keys

Dirty-looking piano can evoke a certain image, but is it really worth it? We do not think it will help the musical piece sound better at any rate.

The player will just end up with dirty hands after using it, that’s all. No one deserves that, so make sure to clean the keys and the rest of it with a cloth and WD-40.

Preventing Mildew Growth On Fountain

Okay, we will be jealous if you happen to live in a house with a fountain. Keep this in mind so that you can take care of it!

Water goes through it the entire day, so mildew is not uncommon at all. However, this is not a good thing whatsoever. Turn the water off for a moment and spray WD-40 to prevent this from happening.

Removing Smoke Stains

Candles can make or break the romantic dinner you cooked up. Unfortunately, they tend to leave smoke stains in the room!

Water and soap can help it, but they won’t get rid of it completely. But do you know what will? That’s right, WD-40 can do it!