Things To Do In Australia


Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising of the Australian continent, its islands and a number of land masses. To the north is Asia and to the south-east is Antarctica. A number of indigenous animals have become extinct since Europeans colonised Australia such as thylacines and dwarf cassowaries, while many others are endangered or at risk including dingoes, crocodiles, koalas and many others.

Things to do in Australia

1. Vivid blue waters

Australia has a lot to offer vacationers, from the tropical north with its dainty white sandy beaches to the south, where the Great Barrier Reef stretches along 328km. The waters around Australia are stunning and vivid blue in colour.

2. The world’s largest sand island

The massive sand island of Fraser Island is located at the northern coast of Queensland. This sand island covers a total area of around 5000 square kilometres and has beautiful beaches like Seventy five Mile Beach that is more than 75 miles long! According to a legend, huge whales once used to beach themselves on this shoreline, hence the name Seventy five Mile Beach!

3. Beaches

The beaches of Australia are famous all over the world because of how spectacular they are. The sands of Australia provide a luxury to relax on. Almost every part of Australia offers some sort of beach. In the Northern Territory and Western Queensland, you will find white sandy beaches like those found in Cape Tribulation, Cairns and Port Douglas while in the southern parts, you will find black sand beaches which include Brisbane’s popular Clifton Beach to Byron Bay’s luscious green sand. Black colourful sugar-cane plantations line much of the coastline and tropical rainforest covers much more land than other parts of the country. The name “Australia” is derived from an Aboriginal word meaning “land down under”.

4. The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s biggest coral reef and stretches along the Queensland coast. It is home to a variety of different fish species such as clownfish, salmon, giant clams and many more. You can take a boat ride to go diving in the clear blue waters and see all the beautiful colours of coral displayed on the reef.

5. Outback desert

As you move south from Queensland, you will come across large stretches of dry land that are not as fertile as land further north and has many cattle farms scattered across its landscape. This is part of the outback desert that covers much of the interior of Australia.

6. Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House was designed by talented architect Jørn Utzon and first began construction in 1959 and it was completed five years later. A large number of tourists visit Sydney to marvel at its architectural design which imitates curves of a shell. As the venue for several cultural events, it is one striking structure!