Benefits Of Taco Quesadillas


Taco Quesadillas is a type of quesadilla that’s large, consists of a tortilla made from corn masa and shredded beef, cheese, and green onions. There are variations in the ingredients used. It is often served with sour cream on top.

Benefits of Taco Quesadillas

1. Complete Meal

A quesadilla only has the fillings in one half of the tortilla wrapped around the other half. This makes it a simple way to enjoy lunch or dinner without having to consume too much food and get full quickly.

2. High in Protein

Taco Quesadillas is a great option for people who are looking for high protein foods that can be cooked quickly and easily but still tastes as good as similar meals prepared with higher carbs and fats. The meat used in this dish is made from beef which is a good source of protein and many essential nutrients like iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins and vitamin A.

3. Great Source of Zinc

Taco Quesadillas is a great source of zinc which is needed by our body to help with immunity and cell growth. Zinc also helps to protect our skin, teeth, and hair from damage stress, fungal infections, bacteria and viruses. Zinc also helps to increase testosterone levels in men and it has been found that zinc can be good for women too.

4. Low in Fat

Since we are just eating the filling in the tortilla instead of a whole meal all by itself there are very few calories, fat or choleserol content involved in this dish.

5. High in Dietary Fiber for Cleansing

Consuming fiber can help with digestion and helps to remove unwanted toxins from the body. This is especially important for people who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet while they are doing so.

6. Good Source of Calcium and Potassium

The beef used in the ingredients of Taco Quesadillas is a good source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous which can function as an energy source for our body and build strong bones and muscles as well as help to regulate blood pressure.