Tips For A Good Camping


Camping is spending a night or more outdoors in a tent, caravan, motor home, or cabin. Campers usually have all their supplies with them as they may not be near shops. Campers usually sleep on mattresses and wear pyjamas or cotton clothes to bed. They also often use air beds or sleeping bags.

Tips for a good camping

1. Have a well planned itinerary to avoid getting lost.

2. Camp near a toilet . It would discourage use of the toilet before you get there.

3. Buy needed supplies in advance , or get them from stalls on the way. Common items such as mirrors, stiffeners, etc are not always available at the shops so it might be difficult for you to find them in time when you arrive.

4. Check with the locals on appropriate hiking trails and safe places to swim.

5. Check that you have everything you need before starting your trip and if possible, get it insured, because the weather might change suddenly or your car might break down.

6. Take along a small spade and snake repellent to avoid snakes near your tent at night time . Snakes are attracted by the smell of food. So try not to leave food out in your tent or near it, which would attract snakes . And also do not forget to use a blanket to cover food before going to bed so that no one tries to steal from you .

7. Wear shoes around camp at night time. The ground might be covered with lethal things such as snake eggs, etc .

8. Ask questions from the locals and your group members about snakes.

9. Eat a lot of food to avoid becoming constipated.

10. When cooking, use the stove or heater in the built-in cabin from your tent so that you can stay warm and do not need to go outside .

In conclusion, camping is an outdoor activity that requires planning, preparation, and patience. It should not be attempted without adequate preparation, proper equipment and knowledge of the terrain. In addition to all this, before you set out you should also ensure that all your legal requirements are met.